Community Strategic Plans

Balloons over Leeton

As a community we believe that Leeton Shire has a bright future. We know that achieving this takes a clear vision, strong leadership and dedicated commitment to see our aspirations delivered in full. 

The Liveable Leeton 2035(PDF, 5MB) Community Strategic Plan not only provides a clear vision it also sets out the priority steps we can take towards achieving that vision so that we can work together to make Leeton Shire the place we want it to be. 

The Liveable Leeton 2035(PDF, 5MB) Community Strategic Plan has been developed for and by the community of Leeton Shire with support from Leeton Shire Council. It is made up of 5 areas of focus:

  • A connected, inclusive and enriched community 
  • A safe, active and healthy community 
  • A thriving regional economy 
  • A quality environment 
  • Strong leadership and civic participation 

The aim of the Liveable Leeton 2035(PDF, 5MB) Community Strategic Plan is to protect and strengthen what we value about Leeton Shire – such as our sense of community and friendly people, our rural/small country town lifestyle, and our peace and quiet – and enhance our future socially, economically, culturally and environmentally. 

The Plan(PDF, 5MB) builds on previous community plans and has been developed with significant community engagement. In developing the Plan we have asked ourselves the following questions: 

  • Where are we at today? 
  • Where do we want to be in 10+ years’ time? 
  • How will we get there? 
  • Who may be able to help? 
  • How will we know that we’re on track or that we have arrived?

Liveable Leeton 2035(PDF, 5MB) sends a series of important messages to Council, Government, non-government organisations and community groups about where the community would like to see valuable resources such as time, energy and money directed over the coming years in order to ensure our long-term wellbeing.

Leeton Shire Council has helped to steward the collation of this Plan on behalf of the community. The Council is one agency that will consider what the community has said when it develops its Delivery Program 2022-2025.

We have our Plan(PDF, 5MB) . The challenge for us all now lies in continuing to work together to ensure that our aspirational outcomes are achieved.