Leeton Shire Council is currently seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) for the purpose of managing the Recycling Shop located at the Leeton Landfill & Recycling Depot.
From 1 July 2021, all Development Applications and the majority of post consent certificate applications (e.g. construction certificates) must be submitted online through the NSW Planning Portal.
The NSW Planning Portal is an online tool where community, industry and government are working together to better understand and meet their obligations under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
A single online site for planning processes and transactions is simpler, faster and more transparent for everyone.
To begin using the NSW Planning Portal, applicants must first register for a NSW Planning Portal account to start their application and receive a single secure login. The Portal contains a comprehensive collection of resources that can also assist applicants and developers – including Support Training FAQs and more.
From 1 July 2021, all development applications are required to be lodged via the NSW Planning Portal.
NSW Planning Portal - How to Guides
View zoning details on the NSW Planning Portal's ePlanning Spatial Viewer.
Search Applications on Exhibition on NSW Planning Portal.
For more information:
Please contact Council’s Planning, Building and Health staff on 02 6953 0911 for more information or email council@leeton.nsw.gov.au
Useful Link:
New online Planning Portal - Media Release, May 2021
02 6953 0911